When you are training your dog, some useful dog training tips include doing the training in many different locations. For example, if you only train your dog to respond to the command of "Sit" while inside your home, it may not understand that it has to respond to this command in an outdoor setting as well. Leash training for example, is something that most people only do outdoors. You have to work on this training inside the house as well and then it will be really effective. Training your dog also means that you have to teach it to pay attention. If you have the dog's attention, then you will also be in control of your dog.
Teaching your dog to come when you call means that you always have to be nice to it and to give it lots of praise when it responds. Kind words and little pat on the head are almost as good as getting treats because your dog always wants to please you. If you have the dog on a leash you can teach it to come when you call by reeling it in when it doesn't respond. After you do this a few times, the dog will recognize that the command you use means that you want it to come to you.
You have to remember to reward the behavior immediately when the dog responds to your command, whether it is "come", "sit" or another command. If you ignore the dog when it does what you want it to do, this is negative reinforcement because it doesn't get the kind words or treat that it expected.
A puppy is a lot easier to train than an older dog because it hasn't learned any bad habits. It also learns things a lot quicker, but you should never hit the puppy or give harsh reprimands. Since a puppy is like a little child, it will misbehave on times because of its playful nature. You do have to understand your dog's behavior and learn when it wants to play and when it is able to learn new things.
For lots of great dog training tips and other dog training information, visit Your Dog Training Guide at www.yourdogtrainingguide.net
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